Below are several publications available through Holzer’s Permaculture. Many of the books have been translated into other languages.  Some items can be purchased directly here while others are available through Amazon or your local bookstore.

31o0Uf7e14LDVD – Holzer’s Permaculture Now! – Desert or Paradise?
Sepp Holzer, Leila Dregger Ludwig Schramm
Year of publication
11 Languages: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Greek, Norwegian Subtitles in Arabic, Chinese (traditional and simplified) and Swahili
Desert or Paradise? About Sepp Holzer’s worldwide ecological restoration work. Sepp Holzer, the “Rebel Farmer” and ecological visionary from the Austrian Alps, studied nature from his childhood on. After taking over the Krameterhof from his parents at the age of 19, he transformed the poor mountain farm into a lush natural paradise with the cultivation of diverse wild species. For years he has supported land owners, farmers, professors and settlements in Russia, the USA, Southern Europe and other regions in the restoration (renaturation) of their land using “Holzer’s Permaculture” and by creating “edible landscapes”. This video focuses on his work with water and the creation of water landscapes, lakes, and ponds. Sepp Holzer: “Once water is in balance, 70% of the work is done, as the surface of the earth as well as we humans are 70% water.
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desert-or-paradiseDesert or Paradise. Holzer’s Permaculture now!
From the restoration of endangered landscapes over aqua-culture and habitat structure to urban gardening
Sepp Holzer, Leila Dregger
Leopold Stocker publishing
First Edition: 2011

Permacultural pioneer and “agricultural rebel” Sepp Holzer presents a new book: In “Desert or Paradise” he is dedicated to the hot topic of increasing environmental disasters caused by mistakes made in agriculture and forestry. The practical section shows solutions.

Sepp Holzer has shown revolutionary new ways for local agriculture by applying common sense methods: observe nature, draw conclusions and act accordingly. Meanwhile, the “agrarian rebel” has become an internationally renowned expert and helps from Russia via Scotland, Spain and Portugal and as far away as South America to restore the landscapes and development of alternative possibilities of self-supply in urban areas.

The main focus of Sepp Holzer’s new book is, creating ponds and lakes and nature appropriate water management as a foundation of any restoration of landscapes. Reforestation, mixed cultures and regeneration of soil life are other key issues in Sepp Holzer’s strategy for global food security. Self-sufficiency is – with the right methods – available everywhere on earth. Thoughts on animal husbandry, which sees the animals as an employee, not as a commodity, complete the book.

The practical part deals with the system of ponds and lakes, with an introduction to permaculture for home gardens including creative ideas for “Urban Gardening” in a confined space, such as balcony gardens, hanging and vertical gardens etc. How can farmers implement the principles of Holzer’s permaculture? Covering all the following as well: regeneration of polluted land, the regulation of pests, right irrigation methods, frost protection and habitat-friendly farming. Seed production, new ways of beekeeping and the rescue of the withering away of threatened trees are other areas of the practical part.

With the collaboration of journalist Leila Dregger, Sepp Holzer shows new ways of earth healing that can help prevent natural disasters in the future.

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Holzer_Der_Agrar-RebellSepp Holzer – Der Agrar-Rebell und seine neuen Projekte in aller Welt

[Sepp Holzer – The agrarian rebel and his new projects around the world]
Peter Steffen
Leopold Stocker publishing
First Edition: 2007
Languages: GERMAN only

With the new book about the “agrarian rebel” Sepp Holzer there is now a great-screen text book that documents his new projects at home and abroad. In beautiful photographs an insight into the colorful life at the domestic Krameterhof is given.
The author, freelance journalist Peter Steffen, who has Sepp Holzer monitored for years on his travels around the world and over time was able to witness the progress of various Holzer projects, captured in expressive images not only the unique work Sepp Holzer does, but also his charismatic personality.

The book makes clear: Sepp Holzer has a respectful relationship with nature; he feels obliged to preserve and protect all of creation. “The agricultural rebel” is making every effort to give people the sense of the uniqueness of nature. This concern of his characterizes his projects in Austria, Spain, Russia, Scotland, Chile, Jordan and elsewhere. Often enough Holzer is in demand as a “crisis firefighter”; he shall correct the damage human folly has done in nature. It is this nonsense, that Holzer points out repeatedly using simple straight honest words; his openness sometimes brings him criticism, but even more enthusiastic encouragement of those, who feel that a foundational change is necessary in our relationship with nature.
“Holzer’s Permaculture” does not see itself as a science, and it is not a patented research method or textbook strategy. It is, as Sepp Holzer is not getting tired of explaining, lived understanding of nature by intertwining nature’s wisdom, the respect for animals and respect for creation. In Peter Steffens book this approach is reflected not only in sensitive lyrics, but also in corresponding images that kaleidoscopically capture the Holzer-world of permaculture.

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Buchcover-2Wo ein Wille, da ein Weg
[Where there’s a will, there’s a way]
Naturopathic knowledge, experiences and practical use of herbs as practiced by the agrarian rebel
Sepp Holzer, Claudia Holzer, Josef A. Holzer
Kneipp-Verlag GmbH
First Edition: 2006
Language: GERMAN only

Hardcover with CD Paperback (no CD)

Sepp Holzer’s firm belief is that in any environment you can fall back on a diet provided by nature and ancient knowledge of herbs. He tells his experience of herbal medicine and with conventional medicine, which did not help him, his return to nature and to the herbs and he gives instructions on herbal cultivation using Permaculture (Herbs build in structures of mountains, winding mounts, walls etc.). Furthermore Holzer presents his Permaculture projects in Scotland and Spain.

In the accompanying audio CD Sepp Holzer talks about Holzer’s Permaculture, naturopathy, positive and negative energy for animals and humans, his desires for the future as well as two anecdotes from the world of a farmer.
The book with hardcover is currently not available. However, it is an issue in paperback (without CD) available

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61bS8LihPPL._SL500_AA300_Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture
Practical application for the Garden, Fruits & Agriculture
Sepp Holzer Holzer, Claudia Holzer, Josef A. Holzer
Leopold Stocker publishing
First Edition: 2004

In this practical book, Sepp Holzer explains the principles of his permaculture and shows how they can be handy even already implemented in the small garden in the balcony garden. He also makes it clear in many examples, as well as the acquisition even agriculture can be designed according to these principles and what alternatives there are.
• Creation of micro-climate zones by sun traps, wind brake and, ways of steering and storage of water, pseudo-problem dryness.
• improving soil health, importance of plant communities, mixed cultures.
• application of permaculture in small and city gardens, patio and balcony gardens and cottage garden.
• Naturbelassener fruit growing in large and small scale, fruit growing in alpine regions and on difficult surfaces, artistic design (Mehrstämmigkeit and Zwiesel trees). Finishing techniques, old varieties for special purposes (fires, juices, vinegar …)
• Mushroom cultivation on straw and wood, forest mushroom cultivation
• Alpine plants in lowland
• Fertilization, regulation of problem plants and face drought in Crop Production. Old varieties, alternative products such as herbs, flowers, alpine plants, seed production, among others

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book_1_frontThe Rebel Farmer
Sepp Holzer, Konrad Liebchen
Leopold Stocker publishing
First Edition: 2002

GERMAN cover ENGLISH cover

The book Sepp Holzer – The Rebel Farmer describes the life and work of Sepp Holzer, who is now in many respects everyone’s lips. He draws on a mountain farm in 1,500 meters above sea level kiwis, cherries and pumpkins in the middle of winter, he harvests radishes, and his corn growing in the forest: The “Krameterhof” has become a symbol of a new way of farming. Hundreds of buses bring interested visitors each year to visit, and the media – the Austrian television to the “Spiegel” – a detailed report.
Sepp Holzer has its own form of permaculture developed, which is the subject of scientific research already and was also project the EXPO 2000 in Hannover. Under skilful use of ecological relationships and cycles of nature he can work for himself and achieved with minimal effort – and without harming the environment – maximum economic success.
In this book, Sepp Holzer not only explains the basic principles of his thought and the essential knowledge, who supplied him with his gift for exact observation of nature, he also portrays alive his endless battle with authorities that it did everything to stop the testing of alternative farming methods. Photos from “Krameterhof” show insight into the unique world of agriculture.

With the new book about the “agrarian rebel” Sepp Holzer there is now a great-screen text book that documents his new projects at home and abroad. In beautiful photographs an insight into the colorful life at the domestic Krameterhof is given.
The author, freelance journalist Peter Steffen, who has Sepp Holzer monitored for years on his travels around the world and over time was able to witness the progress of various Holzer projects, captured in expressive images not only the unique work Sepp Holzer does, but also his charismatic personality.

The book makes clear: Sepp Holzer has a respectful relationship with nature; he feels obliged to preserve and protect all of creation. “The agricultural rebel” is making every effort to give people the sense of the uniqueness of nature. This concern of his characterizes his projects in Austria, Spain, Russia, Scotland, Chile, Jordan and elsewhere. Often enough Holzer is in demand as a “crisis firefighter”; he shall correct the damage human folly has done in nature. It is this nonsense, that Holzer points out repeatedly using simple straight honest words; his openness sometimes brings him criticism, but even more enthusiastic encouragement of those, who feel that a foundational change is necessary in our relationship with nature.
“Holzer’s Permaculture” does not see itself as a science, and it is not a patented research method or textbook strategy. It is, as Sepp Holzer is not getting tired of explaining, lived understanding of nature by intertwining nature’s wisdom, the respect for animals and respect for creation. In Peter Steffens book this approach is reflected not only in sensitive lyrics, but also in corresponding images that kaleidoscopically capture the Holzer-world of permaculture.




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agro_rebel2DVD – The Agro Rebel
Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps
Bertram Verhaag
Year of publication 2001
Language: German, English and Spanish synchronized

In the southernmost part of the Salzburger Land – in the Lungau – the “Siberia Austria” the farmer and forester Sepp Holzer operates on his mountain farm an agricultural farm of a different kind.
Despite an annual average temperature of 4,5C and an altitude between 900m and 1400m and in contrary to conventional rules, he created an edible paradise landscape, and thus caused a stir. After 40 years he has succeeded in convincing his opponents of his natural farming system of using “polyculture – because all plants and animals have a useful function,” said Holzer. His way of reading nature, experimentation and inexhaustible resistance and perseverance toward authorities has paid off. Any use of pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers is omitted entirely. “Cooperate with nature instead of fighting it. Observing and read nature, and find out which plants support each other.” These are key concepts for Sepp Holzer’s principles of permaculture.
Since 1961, when he took over his father’s farm at age 19, Sepp Holzer and his wife Vroni, operate a perfectly functioning permaculture system without ever having heard of the term “permaculture”.
Laid out in terraces, similar to the rice fields in Asia, his 46 hectare of property differs strongly from the surrounding spruce monocultures: Here are growing many plants that hardly anyone would suspect at an altitude of 1400m: from cherries, apples, mushrooms and kiwis to lemons, pumpkins, potatoes and Zuchinies. Sprouting and thriving is happening here everywhere. Along the paths, terraces, in the woods, on extremely steep slopes and even on stony ground is abundance. Within the mixed culture there are about 45 water gardens, wetlands, ponds and three mountain lakes. Here, the organic farmer breeds rare fish, toads, crayfish and aquatic plants. His pigs plow the earth, harrow and fertilize, and plants supply each other with moisture, nitrogen and green manure. Sepp Holzer has less work and more time to advise interested visitors from all over the world about his mixed poly-cultures.

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